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Lellibelle feature in the January 2023 Craftworld magazine

Feature in the January 2023 Craftworld magazine.


'After putting all your time and effort into creating a wonderful product, the next step is getting it out there and getting people to notice and then buy from you! The team at Folksy has gone through the best ways of making your products shine!'

Feature in the January 2023 Craftworld magazine
Velvet magazine December 2021

Feature in the Craft Special of December 2021 issue of Velvet magazine.


Velvet magazine Lellibelle article
Helen of Lellibelle in studio
Folksy colour logo

Meet the Maker: Lellibelle


June 2020

'Helen Strutt from Lellibelle has a background in textiles and a back garden that opens out on to a nature reserve. Put the two together and her range of ethical cards and coasters featuring embroidered and appliquéd birds, animals and insects from the British Countryside feels beautifully fitting. Here Helen talks to jeweller and fellow Folksy seller Helen Duncan from Silver Nutmeg about how her creative business evolved, why she strives to make all her products as sustainable and planet-friendly as possible, and the value of simple gestures like sending a card, particularly at the moment.' Folksy


Crafts Beautiful magazine December 2021
Crafts beautiful Lellibelle article

Feature in the December 2021 issue of Crafts Beautiful magazine, in the Colour Notes spread.


Postable Pop Up Best in Show Winner information
Helen Lellibelle Postable Pop Up Best in Show Winner
Postable Pop Up Best in Show Winner

'If you took part in #POSTABLEPOPUP, you would have definitely heard or seen Helen! An extremely hard-working mum of two, began her businesses from a desire to do what she loved and have work flexibility around school times! From learning how to sew from her grandmother and developing this interest through school and university, Helen produces beautiful wildlife prints from a combination of appliqué and freehand machine embroidery. Alongside creating such intricate designs, Helen is a true small business cheerleader and that is why we choose her for the Best In Show Award! Helen focused on promoting other maker's stalls just as much as her own during the #POSTABLEPOPUP, being a true ambassador for collaboration over competition within the creative community!' Curated Makers

Pedddle yellow logo
Helen of Lellibelle Pedddle member

Featured Maker interview with Pedddle

GCA #cardtokeep campaign
Cards to keep article Helen Greetings Card Association



June 2019

'As part of its 100th anniversary celebrations, the GCA has launched the #cardtokeep campaign, which urges people to share their special greeting card memories through featuring images of their treasured cards on the dedicated Instagram site, as well as the stories behind them'.


Greeting Cards Maintain Sisterly Bonds During Separation:

This is an article in which I shared some of the greetings cards I have kept over the years, and the stories behind them.

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All images are the copyright of Helen Strutt 2019

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